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Agustina is intrigue asking about the white swan and the swan is looking at her.

Portrait of AgustinaThis painting is about portraying the innocence of a four year old little girl curious about a white swan.

When painting a child, the most important thing is the expression of the eyes and to achieve the delicate soft skin of a child. The best technique is blending and blending.


  1. Cover the canvas with a light coat of Raw Sienna, using acrylic.
  2. Draw Agustina and the swan with a pencil.
  3. Do your under-paint in acrylics because they dry faster. The under paint is very important because you are defining your drawing with colors and defining light and shade in your final painting.
  4. Using oils, paint the swan and the reflections in the water, including the water.
  5. Using oils start painting the skin of Agustina, blending light and shade to the color of the skin. Repeat the process as many times as it is necessary to create a soft skin.
  6. Paint her eyebrows and hair.
  7. Sign your work of art.

White SwanAcrylics:
There are many brands of acrylic paintings that I have tested but the one that I like the most is SOHO, Urban Artistic Acrylic: Excellent paintings, sold at more reasonable price by Jerry’s Arterama. 3060 Wake Forest Road, Raleigh, NC 27609. (919) 876-6610

Oil Paintings:
You can buy them at Michael’s, ACMoore, but again the most affordable ones are at Jerry’s Arterama and their brand is LUKAS.

Portrait of AgustinaCanvas: 24″x20″


  1. Titanium White
  2. Flesh, Portrait Pink or Pale Pink
  3. Yellow Ochre
  4. Raw Sienna
  5. Venetian Red
  6. Burnt Umber
  7. Raw Umber
  8. Cadmium Red Light
  9. Alizarin Crimson
  10. Deep Magenta
  11. Cerulean Blue
  12. Cobalt Blue
  13. Ultramarine Blue
  14. Thalo Green
  15. Prussian Blue
  16. Ivory Black

Brushes, multi-purpose, polyvalent. There is a 10pc “Artist’s Loft” that provides most of the brushes for the beginning or the Pro Stroke-Power Creative Mark of Jerry’s Arterama.
For Oil paintings, the best media is Refined Linseed Oil with Refined Turpentine. To clean the brushes Turpernoi. Glass container to mix media.
Easel (a simple table metal easel is fine).
Paper towel.
Plastic plate to mix colors or a Paper Palette. SOHO has a very reasonable paper palette at Jerry’s Arterama.

You can commission a portrait or learn to paint a portrait:
Call Clina: 919-841-3132
Email: clinapolloni@gmail.com

Visit Clina Polloni Art Studio and Gallery
13 Garner Road, Franklinton NC 27527
Take a drive to the beautiful country of North Carolina. Only half an hour from downtown Raleigh.